Moved to Salem, Massachusetts 2 years ago.

I take at least one picture a day.
Why not share my pictures along with
a narrative about each photo EVERYDAY!

Friday, August 3, 2007

Hear an approaching storm!!

I recorded this a couple weeks ago.
For your own safety here is a breakdown (by seconds):

0 - 28 seconds - Birdies flying ahead of the dark clouds (very faint)
28 - 50 seconds - Shocking Thunder Roars (WARNING!! VERY LOUD!!)
50 - 80 seconds - Jet plane flying overhead (very faint)

Notice there is no pitter patter of rain. The rain usually comes a few minutes afterwards. Surprisingly we have only lost power twice from lightning. Another storm cell is due to hit today at 4pm. Just in time to cool down the weekend. This weekend starts a week of celebrating the Salem Heritage Days!

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