Moved to Salem, Massachusetts 2 years ago.

I take at least one picture a day.
Why not share my pictures along with
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Pizza in the Park!

Salem Heritage Days Pizza in Salem Commons

Salem had its Heritage Days last week and we thought we'd attend the Pizza in the Park function. You pay $5 and they hand you a paper plate and napkin and you sample pizzas from the various Salem Pizza vendors. When we arrived twenty minutes into the event the entrance line stretched from Salem Commons across the street over to the Hawthorne Hotel. I decided to check out the stands where the pizza was being distributed from and to my surprise half of the vendors had no pizza and the lines for the other pizza vendors were about half as long as the entrance line. We shook our heads in disgust and drove back home. Apparently everyone else in town thought this was also the best of the Heritage Days events.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Any why would anyone stand in line for Domino's Pizza anyway? What no Lampost?